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Newsflash: 1st Place in the ARC 2021 has been won by the Excess 11 Bombarda!

Recall Marco and Lizzy’s mindset just a few days before their departure on the 2021 ARC rally, between Las Palmas and St Lucia.


The Excess tribe is proud to be sharing with you the victory of Marco and Lizzy, owners of the Excess 11 Bombarda, in the ARC 2021! 


Congratulations to the crew on completing this ocean passage in 18 days, 23 hours, 35 minutes and 45 seconds. This Excess 11, nicknamed the “Pocket Rocket” by its owners, has lived up to its title!


Despite seeing tricky weather conditions with strong winds, Marco and Lizzy followed a careful and prudent course, allowing them to win this rally.


As with the ARC 2020, this year saw Bombarda as the only Excess catamaran in the fleet. And as the smallest catamaran in the rally, it caused quite a stir!


The Excess 11 proved to be very comfortable for crossing an ocean - even in rough seas, and very reliable: the owners made landfall in the Caribbean having experienced no technical problems.


Congratulations again to the owners and their friends on their performance and for this great result! The Excess tribe is very proud of you.
