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Check out our stopover in Port Ginesta!

The Excess Tour stopped in Port Ginesta from October 23rd to 25th 2020 for 3 days of visits and seatrials on board Excess catamarans. It was a real pleasure to be able to offer you a fun and enjoyable time on the water, in this most particular period.

Under the Spanish sun two Excess 12s and an Excess 11 were able to shine and seduce all those who came to this event. A big thank you to everyone for coming! The Excess teams were all too happy to welcome you on board these sailboats.

Did you miss it? While we’re waiting to offer you this type of appointment again, we’re giving you a little video catch-up, so this time there's no excuse to miss it!

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And since it's time to go digital, don't hesitate to configure the catamaran of your dreams on our website by clicking here. You'll see, it's simple, practical and – we have to say - super fun to do! So it's up to you, configure your Excess!
