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Discover the January EXCESS Challenge podium!

About a month ago, any e-sailing (or virtual sailing) enthusiasts crossed the start line of the EXCESS Challenge: an exceptional virtual record with a draw for a catamaran worth € 300,000!


As of January 31st, "virtual skippers" Brian & Joanna had finished the record course in 1st and 3rd place respectively.  The race committee congratulates them and invites you to discover tricks that helped them to beat the EXCESS Challenge virtual record!

What did you think of the route?

“A very challenging course thanks to extremely changing weather and strong winds.”

“Trying to break a record on a course that is subject to a lot of weather variations - that requires active and real-time navigation: A real pleasure! “


Your best strategy?

“I planned my departure carefully to keep a strong wind throughout the race. Sometimes my boat was going at more than 13 knots, it was really exhilarating!”


“Finding the right weather window, the most direct route and the sails best suited to each type of wind encountered. I made sure to check the boat's control panel with all the heading and speed information, even at night, to maintain the best course!”


Any difficulties encountered?

“Wind was almost non-existent in some zones, for example to the south and east of Corsica, so I had to calculate the perfect timing for the passage: That was a real challenge!”

“Two things: the windless zones, especially approaching Cannes, and the local weather conditions in this part of the world that I didn't know.”


What was the best thing?

“Competing with participants who started almost at the same time as me: observing their routes, learning from their mistakes and correcting my course to maximize my chances!”

“This challenge offers real sailing conditions where you face the same issues as a real skipper. I like the competition against myself and against others, it's stimulating! “

If you too want to be one of the best "virtual skippers" in the EXCESS Challenge to try to win a catamaran worth €300,000 Join now for just €9

