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Welcome to our shipyard!

And yes, when we’re talking boats, Excess is never far away!

A team from TV station France 3 came along to our shipyard in Le Poiré-sur-Vie so they could show you the various stages in the construction of a catamaran and the many specialized trades involved in its manufacture.

Our Excess 11 and Excess 14 models are built in this shipyard. We’re grateful to everyone -from the design office right through to delivery – who is involved in the construction of the catamarans of which we are so proud!

To watch the report and find out more the workings of a shipyard, click here! And if you’re in too much of a rush, fast forward to 26:40. That’s where you’ll find us!

To see the video, you’ll be asked to create an account on France 3. All it takes is a couple of clicks, so don’t hesitate to watch!

Enjoy watching.  
